In order to eradicate poverty, reduce inequality, protect the planet and ensure progress for all, at the 69th session of the UN General Assembly in 2015, 17 Global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were adopted, with 169 specific goals, in as part of the document 'Let's change our world: An Agenda for Sustainable Development by 2030'.
As the UN's main platform for sustainable development, a High Level Political Forum (HLPF) was set up in 2013 to replace the Sustainable Development Commission. The HLFP plays a central role in monitoring the implementation of Agenda 2030 and the SDGs, facilitating the exchange of experiences, successes, challenges and lessons learned, and provides political leadership, guidance and recommendations. It meets once a year and conducts annual thematic reviews of the SDGs. Pursuant to General Assembly resolution 70/299, the topics and assemblies of the SDGs considered by the HLPF from 2017 to 2019 are:
– 2017. Iskorjenjivanje siromaštva i promicanje prosperiteta u svijetu koji se mijenja
– 2018. Transformacija prema održivim i otpornim društvima
– 2019. Osnaživanje ljudi i osiguravanje uključenosti i jednakosti
Although the goals are not legally binding, UN Member States are expected to establish systems to integrate SDGs into national policies and monitor implementation through agreed indicators.
European Commission drafts Communication entitled 'Further steps towards a sustainable European future - European action for sustainability' (2016), which sets out the EU framework for achieving the SDGs and implementing the 2030 Agenda and annexes a comparative overview of the SDGs with policies EU. The Communication explains how the EU's political objectives will contribute to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and how the SDGs should be included in the EU's policy framework.
In January 2018, the Government of the Republic of Croatia adopted the Decision establishing the National Council for Sustainable Development, whose task is to monitor and coordinate the implementation of the Global Sustainable Development Goals.
Erasmus + is an EU program that supports education, training, youth and sport in Europe. Its budget of EUR 14.7 billion will enable the study, training and gaining of experience abroad for more than 4 million Europeans.
The program is scheduled to run through 2020, with opportunities not only offered to students. It combines seven previous programs and offers opportunities to different individuals and organizations.
Detailed information on these opportunities, including eligibility criteria, is available in the Erasmus + Program Guide. An indicative financing guide is also available, which outlines some centralized options.